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July 22nd 1802 (morning), 

Today I will be setting off, setting off on my boat (the HMS Investigator), and sailing around Terra Australis, I will be charting and mapping the coastline of this land mass. By my side will be Trim, a cat that will be with me and my crew all the way along the ocean. A ship is not complete without a surgeon too, George Bass will also be accompanying me on the voyage. After I complete my voyage, I will sail back to England with all my mapping and notes, this expedition may months, or even years, but I am willing to complete the task before me.


July 22nd 1802 (night), 

At around midday I set sail on the expedition, there were no problems so far. I am sailing anti-clockwise to go to the top of the Colony of New South Wales, the over to New Holland then down to Cape Leeuwin. The area I am most afraid of are the great southern waters, they haven’t been fully explored by anyone so far. I will pass through the Bass Strait which my crew and I discovered in 1798 whilst circumnavigating Tasmania.


December 17th 1802 (midday), 

I have grown to be quite fond of this land and the name “Terra Australis” doesn’t fit the same qualities, I have settled on a new name for this area. Australia. The ship is approaching Cape Leeuwin, at the south-west corner of Australia, and then the southern waters. Not many people have ventured through the waters, and it will be quite dangerous.


March 25th 1803 (afternoon), 

I am right where I don’t want to be, I am in the middle of the southern waters of Australia. The weather has been terrible lately, constant rain, grey sky and dark clouds; life has been tough on the Investigator. We have Trim to keep us company, sometimes we play cards including today a few hours ago or doing something amongst ourselves. I have no idea what it will be like once the voyage returns to Port Jackson, it has nearly been a whole year. I should get back to my mapping, Australia is starting to look more like Australia now, however, the big inside of this land mass is still yet to be discovered.


June 9th 1803 (afternoon), 

Earlier today, at sunrise, the ship arrived at its home, Port Jackson. I am not going to be staying here long, after all, I have to give my notes and charts to someone, that was the whole point of the expedition. On my way to Britain, I will fix up the parts I weren’t sure about and check all my notes, that may take longer than the real voyage. For now I am just going to rest.


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